Understanding Your Lawyer
So long as we are human, we will have quarrels. In most cases, petty misunderstandings can be resolved by sincere apologies and forgiving temperaments. In some cases, however, the conflict explodes into a personal, bitter war that only separation and mutual silence can be the only answer.
In demanding No Win No Fee compensation claims, these same truths hold. In fact, our justice system, as it fixes disputes, can be said to have its rationale for existence in misunderstanding. But what is important for you as a claimant is to understand that you should not be swallowed up by the system. That is to say, just because conflicts are the daily bread of the courts in no way means that you should stoke the dispute you are involved in to a degree higher than it already is. On the contrary, the opposite rule holds: the moment that you make your claim formal, you should beware of making it more difficult to process. Because you have turned to the courts to settle your claims, it has become incumbent upon you to trust on these institutions to do their job. Making the claim harder to resolve by regularly injecting it with venomous slander, for instance, will mean that you do not respect them enough. The same reasoning holds why you should trust your lawyer and defer to his authority.
You and Your Lawyer
A reputation for wit or common sense in no way makes your opinions superior to that of your No Win No Fee claims lawyers. Some people, obviously misunderstanding the mechanics of claiming compensation, erroneously think that all the courts wish to hear from the claimants in order to let them win is a pretty epigram or a subtle inference. These things, while they may beautify legal arguments, are useless if left to their own devices. Claiming compensation is not a contest for literature or for spotting inanities, but a serious, formal, and grave procedure.
Thus, in order to win your case, you will need to defer to the authority of your personal injury lawyer. In particular, this is because of two things. To begin with, he is familiar with all the procedures that the claiming process requires. These procedures cannot be easily learned and take years of meditation to master. Laymen, in other words, cannot be expected to understand them purely by reading about the claiming process on the Internet. Second, aside from having a solid background on legal procedures, only lawyers are equipped with the knowledge of researching the boundless sea of jurisprudence, the source of all precedents, the determining factors in persuading the courts. Without the expert guidance of your lawyer, no matter how well-read you may be in poetry or how famous you may be in speaking at dinner tables, you will flounder in this great body of knowledge pitifully.