Online news featured about worst
jobs. It enumerates the types of work that are risky.
Pondering over the kinds of
occupation which are at risk of sustaining injuries in the UK makes this
writer realised that no one is really indispensible. Any work can be dangerous.
The bottom line is taking an extra care is necessary, Extra care is necessary
not just to one’s self but also for the benefits of others.
An office staff may be secured in
the comfort of an air-conditioned room. But it’s not safe at all. Boxes
containing tools on top of the shelves are risky and may hurt someone. Just by
trying to imagine the scenario will paint a disgusted look on one’s face. How
much more it is for the injured person who experienced a work accident like that.
A construction worker may be
injured whilst carrying out a task on top of scaffolding. He might topple down
with the bricks if the scaffolds are not properly fixed on the ground. A bad
fall resulting to broken bones may hurt the person. So sad it is for the victim
of an accident. Tasks which involve working from height needs proper training
and securing the stability of the ladders, platforms or scaffolds that will be
used by individuals so that no one will get hurt.
A healthcare professional is
exposed to risk whenever they perform their duty. They may slipped while
carrying their patients or delivering hospital supplies. Manual handling and
carrying of load is necessary to avoid accidents.
A worker in the manufacturing
industry is at risk of slipping from spillage. This is dangerous especially in
severe weather condition wherein water, snow or ice fills the ground and may
cause slips to busy people at work.
A florist or a hairdresser can be
exposed to harmful chemicals. Burns, dermatitis or any skin diseases may affect
their precious hands.
Any job requires sufficient
information and training before carrying out a specific task. Both the employer
and the person doing the job need cooperation so that a work accident can be avoided.