
Thursday, 25 April 2013

Those Who Demand Work Accident Claims

The Question of Rationality
People should not judge harshly those who are currently demanding work accident claims. These claimants, aside from having to undergo the stressful and arduous experience of claiming compensation, also have to deal with the necessary pressure which this process imposes.

But more than their vulnerability, work accident claimants should be spared the inconsiderate annoyance of other people because they are barred from acting as rationally as their critics. Unlike these snobbish spectators, claimants actually have a genuine stake in what is happening, the outcome of which will determine in no insignificant way their futures, and so they should be forgiven for momentary surrenders to their passions. It is impossible to expect them, just as it would be cruel to estimate their character, at a time when they are least in control of themselves and suffering from extreme strain.

Moreover, these critics should know too that these claimants are not acting wholly their own thoughts and ideas. No. Rather, much of what they are doing are dictated to them by their lawyers, people who can, in the interest of money, exploit the trust of their clients and order them to do an embarrassing but income-generating mistakes. Sometimes claimants do refuse to heed their lawyers, but this is the exception, not the norm.

Unreal Personalities
That people will reveal who they really are in moments of extremes stress is an idea slowly gaining currency today. The logic is simple. These people say that the great pressure of such situations act like a powerful fire that will smelt away the impurities and accidental qualities of a person’s soul and leave nothing behind except its real indestructible core. For instance, those who are demanding work accident claims should be placed special focus on because supposedly how they will act while claiming is expressive of what kind of personalities they really possess.

What we can say about this theory is that is fallacious because it is too simplistic. It is not right that the identity of a person should be based on any one moment of his existence but on the general attitude he has shown all throughout his life. What we do every day and not just on one specific day is the sounder basis of our character. It would be stupid to condemn someone forever as an ingrate for a short lapse in morals, something which he may have atoned for already or will do so in the future, just as we cannot praise some as the savior of morals for deciding to act like an honest man one day of the year and spend the rest as a criminal. Surely the great question of who we really are deserves a better answer than this misplaced reliance on momentary behaviors.

Don’t Take Everything Personally

A curious instance I saw when researching about car accident claims on the Internet is the high incidence of people who complain about our justice system. According to these people, the courts have been maltreating plaintiffs and defendants because they subject them to all kinds of useless civil procedures when things could have been resolved much easier and much quicker had the people involved been permitted to talk as freely as possible. Moreover, they also complain that there is favoritism in the application of the law and in direct contrast to its spirit, the letter of the law is obeyed even when the consequences are absurd. There is nothing to be done, they say, but to completely overhaul the present system and supplant in its place a new one.

These car accident claims testimonials, in other words, were written by infuriated people. Although I provided a summary of their points above, the truth is that they did not argue for these points as clearly as I enumerated them here. On the contrary, they interspersed their negative commentaries with character assaults, profanities, and even irrelevant anecdotes.

The first thing that I can tell them as an honest and patriotic Briton is that they are overreacting. The civil procedures people must obey in court should be easy to bear for the simple reason that nobody is exempted from them. All of us are bound to obey. These rules were designed to create a sense of uniformity and order in the world of legal disputation because this world is a complicated one. In fact if it seems too complex now even with an old rulebook in process, then how much more so, do you think, will it be complicated if we throw away the rulebook to the flames? We would be left with anarchy in our jurisprudence.

Second, I would also tell them to avoid getting overly emotional. The claiming process, just like any other legal process, for it to work must be an extremely sober and logical one. There is no room for hysterical dramatics here. The search for the truth can be assisted by quiet and clear, rather than loud and theatrical, voices.

Rights of Patients: FYI

People have natural and legal rights. Specifically, patients are entitled to exercise their rights in the UK. It is necessary know this information. Read and learn from this.

Right to a GP
- Residents of the United Kingdom including European Economic Area or EEA countries  and abroad have the right to register with a General Practitioner. One has the right to choose his own GP. It is important to remember few things in choosing the GP such as the surgery address and contact number, gender of the GP, languages spoken by the chosen GP, any health interests, whether the GP performs minor surgery and other relevant details. There are instances when the GP may refuse a patient. If it happens, it must be reasonable and he must provide a written explanation. Online information is available on how to register with a GP. It is the patient’s right to change GP and there is no need to provide any reason for the decision. Aside from this, patients are permitted to ask for a second opinion. GPs are allowed to remove a patient from the list if the latter is physically or verbally abusive or if he transferred to another place.

Interesting Rights of a Patient

Aside from right to a GP, another equally important right of a patient in the UK is right to hospital treatment.

Right to Hospital treatment
-  GPs should provide medical treatment in emergency situation even if the patient is not registered with him. Care Quality Commission is responsible in handling out-of-hours services. Although the patient can request for a home visit, the GP will only do so if the medical condition requires it. The GP knows if it there is a sense of urgency. However, if the patient’s health condition gets worse because the GP refused to pay a home visit, it entitles the person to file a claim against the medical practitioner. This is a case covered in medicalnegligenceclaims. The GPs provide prescription for a specific condition. They should also provide medicines needed in immediate treatment during emergency. Hospital treatment requires endorsement from the GP. In emergency cases, there is no need for a referral from the GP.

Mistakes can occur during consultation or treatment with the GPs and in Accident and Emergency department of a hospital. Errors such as wrong treatment, incorrect prescription of drugs, misdiagnosis and surgical mistakes are considered negligence. Compensation can be claimed if the healthcare professional committed a malpractice that injures an individual.

Financial Recovery

What if you spend a big amount to recover from an illness but ends up spending some more because the doctor negligently performed the wrong treatment?

That’s the common denominator of patients who suffered from medical negligence. Read and learn from their experience.

A lad crushed his ankle from playing basketball. He was rushed to the Accident and Emergency department. Unfortunately, the healthcare professional failed to provide a correct diagnosis and treatment.

The nurse who was preoccupied with a lot of tasks in the hospital failed to monitor the patient and administered the wrong dosage to the ailing patient. Instead of a fast recovery, the person suffered longer.

A woman who tried to restore her angelic face through plastic surgery was disappointed and spends additional costs to correct the mistakes committed by her surgeon.

Skin diseases due to an exposure to a harmful substance prompted a man to ask help from a dermatologist only to be disappointed and suffer from additional burns and scarring.

Just by reading an example of malpractice committed by healthcare professionals makes you feel sympathetic.

What can you do if you spent a huge amount and end up being injured? What if instead of recovering from a disease you end up suffering longer? Can you get compensated for your pain and suffering? That’s the concept of medicalclaims – to be compensated for the sufferings of innocent victims.

The question is: Is the compensation sufficient enough to recover from the bad experience? Actually, the compensation is not enough to cover for the pain and suffering not to mention the financial problems it caused.

Imagine, you pay for hospitalization, medicines, treatment, transportation going to the medical expert, additional utilities costs, hiring an assistant, buying items for the injury and nutritious food. On top of that, you loss some earnings because of being absent for a certain period plus more expenses that is so stressful.

The patients really deserve a reimbursement for unnecessary pain and hardship. It should be given not reluctantly because it can sustain their needs and lighten the burden carried by an innocent person.