
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Get Informed about Personal Injury Compensation

The purpose of personal injury compensation is to reimburse for the loss, pain and suffering experienced by an individual from an accident caused by someone else’s mistakes. This is awarded in the form of damages which is categorized into General and Special Damages.

General Damages compensates for the non-quantifiable aspect of the claim. It is commonly known as the pain, suffering and loss of amenity. Loss of amenity is basically the impact of the injury or illness to one’s quality of life or his relationship with others. These are non-monetary changes that an individual needs to adjust after the accident. The physical and emotional pain, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of use, loss of prospects, disfigurement, impairment and loss of companionship can be included in claiming for personal injury compensation.

The physical and emotional pain may not be totally compensated but it can somehow lessen the stress in dealing with other problems brought about by the incident. Loss of enjoyment of life covers for loss of leisure time or loss of enjoyment or a holiday. The loss of use of damaged items like jewelry or a car can be compensated.  Loss of income opportunity is also covered in this category.

A Special Claim for Injuries

Special Damages compensate for the economic loss incurred by the injured person from someone’s negligence. It covers for the loss of earnings, medical expenses, cost of care, transport costs and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Both actual and future losses of earnings are included in the claim. It is evaluated based on the details of one’s employment. Loss of future earnings is quite difficult to compute. The pay increases, benefits and promotion prospects are taken into consideration. Medical expenses include hospital bills, cost of medicines and medical treatment fees. The cost of care covers the care provided by family, relatives, friends or other private agency. Transport expenses include trips to the hospital, visit to the GP, attending appointment with the medical expert and other trips related to the injury. Other expenses that can be claimed include repair or replacement of vehicles, additional utilities costs, items needed for the treatment and special aids and equipment.

It is necessary to provide evidence in seeking for personal injury compensation in the United Kingdom. This requires an expert legal advice from a solicitor so that the right amount can be granted to the claimant. Ask for a legal advice about the details.

Requirements Needed by Injury Claims Lawyer

Personal injury claims lawyer or solicitor needs pertinent information from the client to help process the case in the United Kingdom.

It is necessary for the injury claims lawyer to know about the date, time, place of the accident and details on how the accident happened. Contact details of the person responsible for the incident should be provided. This includes the complete name, address, contact number, mobile number, insurance policy, and vehicle registration number (in case of a car crash). In the same way, the contact information of the witnesses is necessary (complete name, address, contact number and mobile number). It essential to provide the details of the injury indicated in the medical statement from the doctor. The proof of loss of earnings and financial expenses incurred due to the injury are important including the client’s insurance policy

Upon submission of these documents, the legal counsel will analyse the situation and the likelihood of success of the case. He will assess the value of the claim based on the evidence. The approximate time table in processing the claim and funding for the litigation process will be discussed clearly. Additional supporting documents can be included in the list of items.

Requirements for the Claim

Injury claims lawyer helps in providing evidence needed in processing the claim in the United Kingdom. These pieces of evidence include medical report, statement from witnesses, photographs of the accident, accident report form and proof of income loss and financial loss.

The solicitor assists in obtaining a medical report from an expert. The medical report shows the nature of the injury or illness suffered by the person, symptoms, duration of pain, treatment and recovery period. Exact and specific details are essential in evaluating the amount of compensation. The statement from the witness is also necessary. Sketch or photographs of the accident scene provides a graphic image and should be take in different angles. In case the incident happened in the workplace, an accident report form should be submitted. Proof of loss of earnings and financial expenses such as payslips, prescription charges, hospital bills, treatment fees and other out-of-pocket expenses are important in showing the financial impact of the incident to the individual.

Taking notes and recording it in a journal can help in remembering all the bits and pieces of the impact of the accident.

The expert legal advice from the solicitor is an instrument in obtaining the right compensation.

Claim for Personal Injury: Are You Afraid of Heights?

It’s shocking to see a plane submerged into the water. Planes are for the sky and ships are for the sea. Not unless it’s a car which was recently reported that works on land and deeps into the water. Well, the said aircraft from Indonesia missed the runway and plunged into the water. Some passengers were injured. Good thing that there were no fatalities reported in the accident. Passengers suffer from trauma because of the incident. Although it’s a budget airline, it is still required to comply with highest standard of training of employees, most importantly the pilot. Inadequate training of employees can affect work performance and harm innocent people like these passengers. It’s a simple logic, whether you pay for a budget or an expensive fee, people deserves to be transported to a safe destination. Just imagine the shock of these passengers who are supposed to be on a land but ended up being submerged into the sea. It’s really traumatic. It’s not only the people inside the plane who suffered from stress but also their family and relatives who were so worried about their flight.

Speaking about airplane, a study conducted by British Airways shows that the back seats of an economy class is most popular to passengers. Another interesting result revealed that the right-hand side of the cabin is preferred by those who book their flights earlier. In addition to that, window seats are preferred by those who enjoy the view outside while the aisle seats are chosen by those who want to get out of their areas easily. Well, it’s nice to be given options. But the most important thing is to arrive in your destination safely.

Whatever marketing strategies employed by the airlines, safety should be the top most priority that should be offered to the customers. Convenience, service and on time arrival are equally important and should not be ignored. Accidents involving any forms of transportation are covered by claim for personal injury. This means any injuries while travelling by air, land or sea can be compensated if someone is negligent.