How can a regular worker get
through with the pain from an accident in the workplace? Will he suffer in
silence while his body deteriorates? How can he pay his bills if he is injured
and cannot work?
A retail staff suffered broken
bones from falling from a table while arranging the stocks on top of the
cabinet He used the table and chair
instead of using the ladder. At one point you can commend the staff for being
resourceful or blame him for the wrong move. The truth is that the business
owner did not provide a ladder that is why the guy substituted the chair and
table. Sadly, he was pressed for time that is why he used an improvised ladder.
This is a typical story of an employee who sustained injury at work. He
deserves to receive injury compensation.
The compensation can help him pay
for his bills like medicines, hospitalization, treatment, utilities and even
trips going to the GP. It cannot really recover what was lost but it can
somehow lighten the burden he carries. Afterall, he was not supposed to suffer
the pain if only the owner provided the needed equipment. The compensation not
only reimburses the expenses but also the pain and suffering that he endured. Actually,
the compensation is not enough to bring back what was loss. There is no
monetary value that can ease the pain of being injured. It’s immeasurable. Not
to mention the loss time of enjoyment with family and friends, Plus the social
gatherings that are memorable to him.
What about the simple daily activities that cannot be carried out because
of the injury and hobbies that cannot be enjoyed? How about the scar that
tainted his appearance? On top of that is the emotional turmoil that plagues
him day and night. Stress, insecurity and helplessness surround him every now
and then. Truly physical injury hurts. Underlying that are more complex issues
that he needs to deal with. Financial burden weights him down and emotional
struggle seems to pull him down. He deserves to be compensated.
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